An information session for parents will be offered during the time 8:30am-9:00am in 3C on Monday 23 May.
Life Education motivates and empowers young people to make smart life choices for a healthy future. Please see below for information on modules each year level will be participating in:
Prep / P/1
| My Body Matters | Year 4 | bCyberwise |
Year 1 | Harold's Friend Ship | Year 5 | Think Twice |
Year 2 | Safety Rules | Year 6 | Decisions |
Year 3 | Harold's Diary | | |
The Life Education team is happy to provide parents with any information they require about the programs and to answer any questions or concerns you may have. An information session for parents will be offered during the time the van is at the school. Please look out for more information about this closer to the time. As parents you can also get more information regarding the Life Education programs by accessing the web link below.
Click here
The cost of the incursion is $9 per student. This money covers the cost of the presentation as well as an activity book that students can use both in the classroom and at home. Please complete the attached consent form and return it to your child's teacher. Payment can be made at the payment window on a Tuesdays and Fridays 8:00 am - 10am, or online at any time.
Please note that payment is due prior to the commencement of the 2 week program. Late payments will not be accepted, even if your child is attending a session later in the scheduled time.